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coming soon:

Seven Mountain Mandate

(a false ideology)

What I reject:

the mendela effect

The Mandela
as seen on the web
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There are claims on the internet that our world is changing.  Not the kind of change we usually think about though.  The name, Mandela Effect comes from the first recorded "historical change" discovered by science fiction writer Fiona Broome as she shared with colleagues her supposed memory of Nelson Mandela dying in prison in lieu of the history we know today: Mandela was released from prison, became president of South Africa, a movie was made about him shortly before his death.   However, we know Mandela as the former president of South Africa here, in prison, Mandela was just another convict.   How many prisoner's deaths do we see on the news? Other changes are juxtaposed rather small, minute subtle differences in names of products such as Drano, Fruit Loops, Looney Tunes to remembering events, like 9-11 terrorist attacks being 9-10, that supposed to have happened that something is changing our history.  I am tempted to say that I remember "Looney Tunes" as "Loony Toons" (as in cartoons), I can explain it away by simple market name change.  Some proponents of the Mandela Effect, I'll call "Mandelians",  believe that CERN or the Large Hadron Collider is responsible for the changes; others believe time travelers have changed these things either intentional or unintentional (changes due to the butterfly effect); still others believe they and those who remember the same as they moved into "this reality" from a parallel universe, which is why large groups of people can remember those changes while others are native of this universe don't and, finally others use phrases like "there's a glitch in the Matrix".  Some more examples are: "Luke, I am your father" to "NO, I am your father" (of the Star Wars series Empire Strikes Back), "Mirror, Mirror on the wall" to "Magic Mirror on the wall" [Snow White is originally German and in the original story this is said, "Spiegel, Spiegel an der Wand, wer ist die Schonste im ganzen Land?"], they claim "Life is like a box of chocolates" was changed to "Life was like a box of chocolates"; however, on her deathbed, Gump's mother utters those famous words (to quote from Raiders of the Lost Art: "They're digging in the wrong place"). And finally "If you build it, they will come" to "If you build it, he will come" from the movie Field of Dreams; the confusion may lie in James Earl Jones character's speech where he says "...people will come,"  several times.  There is one change I do remember, a corporate change, and it happened with the song and T.V. show, "Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego" (I did a google search for both titles and they are both available, not only that but the web will give you a date when it was changed: February 9, 1994. Upon further research, there were many other titles in that series: Where in the U.S.A...., Where in Europe..., Where in North Dakota...).  I specifically remember not liking the change: "Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego."  There are many more examples, too numerous for my point here on my website.

I want to talk about what the Mandelians are saying about the Word of God.  We, Christians, know that the Word of God is immutable, that is, It cannot change.  Psalm 12:6-7 states in the King James "The words of the Lord are pure words....Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever."    Other verses that talk about God's word not changing are: Numbers 23:19, Hebrews 13:8, James 1:17 and Mark 13:31 (Matthew 24:35 & Luke 21:33)  I will only cover five examples and these will be on the grid above as other examples will be similarly debunked:

1.) Isaiah 11:6.  Many people will swear up and down that this verse at one time said "The lion shall live with the lamb" as opposed to "The wolf shall live with the lamb."  However, the 1611 published King James Bible perfectly states the latter form. Many people have a problem with this verse because of the animal symbolism.  The lion represents Jesus while the wolf represents the devil or deceiver.  However, when we look at Isaiah 65:25, Ezekiel 34:25 and Hosea 2:18, we can see that those three other verses state "wolf and the lamb" also.  There is symbolism here but it's not the same form.  When we see wolf and the lamb together, we see that they are both eating the same food and sleeping together.  First, in nature the wolf will devour the lamb because it is a meat eater, yet in the verse it says they shall eat together.  What this all boils down to is the wolf and the lamb represents two kinds of people; these types typically don't hang around each other but there will come a time with they will.

2.) Luke 19:27.  Although they can't prove that a verse was added that was not previously there, they claim that verse 27 was added to a parable that was always there.  Their claim is that this verse "seems too harsh" to be said by Jesus.  The verse in question is above.  What they need to understand is Jesus was speaking in a parable in this verse. The King, a character in his parable, is speaking.

3.) Mark 2:22 & Matthew 9:17, though two scriptures this serves as one example.  The "Mandelians" claim that the word "bottle" should not be there because, using their words, "there just wasn't any bottles in Jesus' day."  They say they remember it said wineskins.  The previous verse was in the King James version however, the King James 21st Century does use the word "wineskins"; not only that but the ASV, AMP, AMPC, CEB, DLNT, ESV, GNT, NIV, NIVUK, NOG, NASB, NKJV, NRSVACE and others use "wineskins." 

4.) Genesis 3:15.  In this verse, the Mandelians claim that the word "crush" was replaced by "bruise".  The whole idea goes that Jesus will crush Satan's head as Satan bruises Jesus' heal and that one strike is more serious that the other. Their reasoning is beginning to have patterns.  Again, we look at different versions of the bible and the word "crush" is still there:  DARBY, DRA, ERV, EXB, GW, GNT, NOG, NCV, NIRV, NKJV, OJB, TLV; other words like "stomp" VOICE; "break" GNV.

5.) Matthew 6: The Lord's Prayer. I saved this one for last because I already knew this answer.  The verse in question is 12: "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors," in the KJV.  As a former Roman Catholic, I remember reciting the Lord's prayer at mass every Sunday and the prayer read "And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us."  Mendelians will claim that the KJV, in the past, used the word "trespass" however, it never used the word "trespass," in that verse. Putting the word "trespass" comes from the Roman Catholic Tradition in the Western Church because they are encouraged not to use the King James Version. Besides that being a part of the RCC's version of the Lord's prayer, I'll point out that verses 14 and 15 in the King James does use the word "trespass" and that the Matthew chapter 6 example of what the Mandelians claim that the Lord's prayer has changed is rather a simple transfixing the two words as they are found so close to each other in scripture.

    In the end, you have a choice, believe what the Mandelians say (is God a god of confusion?? "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints." 1 Corinthians 14:33) or believe in the Word of God ("For I am the Lord, I change not." Malachi 3:6a).  I will conclude this with one of my favorite bible verses that pertains to this situation:  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ  - - 2 Corinthians 10:4-5


LGBT Agenda
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I chose to call this section the LGBT Agenda because it's no longer only the gays and lesbians who want to shove their lifestyles in our faces but now the "transgendered" who want public restrooms to be non-gender specific.  I know I may get hate mail from the group that screams tolerance to Christians yet cannot tolerate any opinion that opposes theirs.  I can quote scripture that denounces homosexuality like Romans 1:22-32, 13:8-10, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Hebrews 13:1-4, Jude 1:7 [Leviticus 18:22, 20:13] however I will allow you to look these up yourself.  What I am going to write about is their claim that they are born with it.  "It" being homosexual thoughts and attractions.  Most homosexual and transgendered individuals will point to evolution and that humans should accept their lifestyles.  My questions is: why should humans accept their lifestyles when nature does not.  In order to be born with homosexuality or transgenderism there must be a gene.  As we know two men cannot procreate, nor can two women therefore there can never be a "gay" gene.  Nature does not allow this.  And evolution says, "survival of the fittest" however, how can a gay gene survive if it cannot be pass down??  Some transgenders will point to species that change genders in nature however, I say they change in a single sex environment for the purpose of procreation, not recreation.  There are enough humans and our bodies were not made to change from one gender to the other.  When you look at the procedure to change, not nature it man made and second, once one "changes" it is impossible to change back, in some cases.  For example, if a male "becomes" a female, physicians must butcher the penis and make an artificial vagina, which cannot self lubracate and is not attached to a uterus that can bare and support a child for nine months.  It the, then, "female" wants to become a male again, they are fitted with an artificial penis which does not work like it's suppose to. And within these "changes", the male who wants to become female, no matter how much he may look female, he is stil a male in the DNA; same goes for the female: DNA does NOT change.  And still, in nature, there are only two sexes, or genders; LGBT supporter want to create numerous gender identities.  Going back to the argument: "we're born like this," if that were true, they wouldn't be able to convert heterosexuals into their lifestyles.  Homosexuality and transgenderism begins with a lie, as the individual dwells on that lie, s/he begins to believe that lie until they are brainwashed into believing, against nature, against their so-called evolution and against God that their lifestyle choice is good and therefore should be forced upon others through molestation and rape.  Why else would a gay militant write this, "We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us."  This was originally published in Gay Community News on February 15-22, 1987.   Why would a gay man need to seduce a boy if being gay is innate?  You don't believe me???  Do your research.  Others will state that the concept of homosexuality was never talked about by Jesus therefore it must be okay.  However,  the absence of the topic of homosexuality doesn't prove anything; homosexuality was so understood as an abomination to the LORD, that there was no need for it to be brought up.  Now, there is a part, where Jesus is talking about divorce where he says, "Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female...For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?"  Looking at this reference to Genesis 1:27 and 2:24, doesn't it look like Jesus didn't need to refer to scriptures but does so to make a point. 

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Atheists, by definition, do not believe in God in any form as opposed to Agnostics who are not sure if there's a God. There are passive atheists and there are radicalized atheists (RA).  The more active atheists are the radicalized or extremist atheists who the passive take offense when they are depicted as one of them. RAs claim they don't want to be forced by Christians or any other "religion" to pray yet allow wicca and Islam into public schools. RAs claim that the U.S. government was made to separate the church from the government, therefore, it's against the Constitution for public schools to endorse religious holidays especially Christmas.  However, the First Amendment states a separation of government from religion; meaning that government cannot interfere with church business or freedom of speech thereof and its members.  They claim to be offended by an imaginary "man upstairs" while believers pray to him in public, hotels and motels having Holy Bibles available to the public, statues of the Ten Commandments on government land and want the phrases "In God we trust" & "under God" on money and Pledge of Allegence to be removed with extreme prejudice. Atheist professors have infiltrated universities to dissuade believers to be Christians.   There is not much to say about atheists however they claim to know the Holy Bible yet butcher and misinterpret it. Many read  or do an comprehensive study on the bible only once in their life.



Muhammad was born in 570 A.D. He married into a weathly family and despite being raised in a polytheistic family full of superstitions he founded the second largest monotheistic religion in the world.  He claimed that the Archangel Gabriel spoke to him yet continued these conversations after expressing concern they might be Jin (evil spirits) to his wife who encouraged him to continue.  At the inception of his religion, Muhammad taught peace and love but was dissatified with the attendenceHe started writing the Qur'an with verses  emphasizing more strict and absolute submission to God (Allah), hence the name Islam (submission).  This is where and when he began to differenciate from Judism and Christianity calling the Torah the Jews use and the Old Testament the Christian use as corrupt.  Muhammad taught that God is one in essence and person, rejecting the Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Islam is a works oriented religion where Muslims must complete a pilgramage to Mecca amoung other things.  Christians believe in Grace salvation, unmerited, undeserved salvation through faith in the Living Son of God, Jesus.  Who do they say Jesus is?  If you were to ask a Muslim, they will say that Jesus is a prophet but Muhammad is the greater.  However, in their own Qur'an, Jesus is described as the Word of God, the Breath of God, He was virgin born, however the most disturbing is that Jesus was not crucified- that someone else took his place.  One of the tenant of false religion that I have seen is not accepting that Jesus died for our sins.  We see it in the "Watchtower Witnesses" (JWs), Mormons- the Jesus they believe in didn't completely atone for all sins- for Muslims, Jesus didn't die for their sins; it's a works oriented religion.  Muslims do not know if their works, completing the five pillars of faith, will get them into paradise until they die. So some have been radicalized to believe in an- albeit- phantom 6th pillar of faith: the Jihad.  The majority of Muslims know about this however do not condone the physical, murderous Jihad of killing innocent people, non-believer and believer alike.  Radicalized Muslims will, and have murdered non-radicalized Muslims (Qur'an 9:73).  There is a point many Muslims don't know or haven't yet realized about Jesus, from their own Qur'an:  in Surah 5:47 it says that we, Christians (People of the Gospel) should rebel against the Qur'an we know it is corrupt because we know it says that Jesus didn't die on the cross.    As Christians we believe that the Holy Bible is impeccable, perfect Word of God, however in the Qu'ran there is Surah 2:106 which states that any verse can be overwritten by a better one; there are many oversites therefore interpretation can be in err.  One last point I want to make is not in the Qur'an but in the Hadith, an encyclopaedia of written directives and stories Muslims read: Volume 8, Book 73, No. 224 it reads, "The most awful name in Allah's sight on the Day of Resurrection, will be (that of) a man calling himself Malik Al-Amlak (the King of kings)".  If this allah is so powerful, how can it see Jesus, the one we call King of kings as aweful?  Answer: because that allah, is a god of this world, the devil, the deceiver, whom Muhammad had discernment, however didn't listen to the Holy Spirit rather listened to another human.

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Pre-Tribulation vs. Post Tribulation Rapture

The truth is there are scriptures speak about  post-tribulation rapture but none about the pretribulation rapture . The problem with the pre-trib rapture is that depending on who is teaching, one school of thought says that Jesus comes before the tribulation where people just disappear, a secret rapture, then something returns a third time, Jesus comes back for His bride.  A second school of thought is Jesus comes back, pre-trib style for His bride, the Church.  The latter version has two versions also, one a secret rapture where no body sees Jesus and a public hard to miss seeing of Jesus and finally a third where it will be a public seeing of Jesus however people can miss it.  I have come up with the realization that the pre-tribulation rapture is just a man-made psuedo-doctrine made to comfort those who fear the tribulation that has no biblical basis what-so-ever created in the 1800's Adventist movement by John N. Darby and spread to many churches and was the driving force behind many date-setting cults like the Branch Davidians, Watchtower & Tract Society, Mormonism, Christadelphians, and such people as William Miller, Ronald Weinland, Jack Van Impe, Hal Lindsay, Tim LaHaye and Harold Camping. Beware of witnessing to pretribbers, because you may use the same words, the meanings will differ; for example, unless clarified, the 2nd Coming of Christ can be confused as the pre-tribulation rapture but, depending on who you witness to, you will find out that those two are completly different events.   There are aspects of pre-trib false doctrine we must be aware of: they're taught not to look for signs and wonders, being told for their comfort to "escape" the tribulation, they may not know the history of adventism in the U.S., they are free to do what they want because Christ died for their future sins, claim that only some will be raptured then some point they say all will be raptured, except those who belong to certain churches which they are free to pick and choose, some pre-trib teachings are work based, they get to nit-pick what they believe. For example in 1 Thessalonians 4 we read that we meet Jesus in the sky yet pre-trib believers say that doesn't count as the 2nd coming of Christ because He has not set foot on earth yet therefore Christ will return for His Bride at a later time.  Many pre-trib believers grew up being taught this error and some have not looked up the scriptures they use and rely on many years on believing the twisting of scripture and adding or taking out of specific words is justified to make a point across.  I believe that putting faith in the rapture (pre, mid or post) is not as important as putting your faith in the LORD Jesus Christ and accepting Christ's return as undateable and yet not a secret coming.  (Revelation 21:8)

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Watchtower & Tract Society

What the Watchtower Believes (commonly known as JHVH's Witnesses, I choose to call the "Watchtower Witnesses"): one reason is their version of the bible: the New World Translation.  It renders the Gospel of John 1:1 to contradict monotheism; calling Jesus (the Word) "a" god.  They are also known not to celebrate birthdays, not serve in the military, not vote (which can be a good thing) and prohibiting certain medical life-saving procedures.  On doctrinal errors they believe in a different Jesus: they don't believe Jesus died on a cross but on a stake, they say that Jesus didn't raise from the dead in full body, soul and spirit rather only in spirit, they claim that Jesus was once the archangel Michael who assumed bodily form. They also reject the Holy Spirit as a person and as God; if anything, they claim He's a force.  The bible they use is a mistranslated, disinformative rendition of the true word of God called the New World Translation (NWT).  The NWT still has translational errors in it that contradicts itself in many ways.   Accompanying their bible, they claim, as continuing prophetic word, they turn to their Awake! & Watchtower magazines.  Witnessing door to door may serve as a good example however, they're spreading the wrong message.

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The Church of Scientology

Where do I begin??  Although they don't consider themselves as religion or a church, they fought to get tax exceptions for many years and last, the name says it all!!  Some of the false doctrines or beliefs are: people are immortal spiritual beings or "Thetans" who have forgotten their true nature, they have been reincarnated for four quadrillion years - before the creation of the universe...I can go on and on.  They also use the popular book, Dianetics and other books authored by L. Ron Hubbard as textbooks for newcomers. If you want a summary of what they believe, watch South Park season 9, episode 12.

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The Law of Attraction as taught by Rhonda Byrne

Claims there are examples in the bible that suggest the Law of Attraction (LoA) exists; however, the book twists scripture verses and famous avatars' quotes to build their point; it leaves no mention to God's sovereignty and will and suggests that if you want to still believe in God, treat God as a genie.  It describes God as the universe of attainable things. The book is also selfish-minded that differs from Christ's example of selflessness (Luke 9:23).  Both the book and video are examples of how truth can be twisted and sprinkled with actual facts made to sound scientific discoveries.  The moment it contradicts itself, it should be scrapped; for example, the claim that we are the gods of the universe yet later say there is no god.  The book tells you to make up your own mind; look at scripture": Romans 12:2 .

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Although we may see these followers of the spirit moroni on foot doing door to door witnessing, they are not true followers of Jesus Christ.  They believe that in the 1800s, Joseph Smith found ancient tablets with the guidance of an angel Moroni and was given a way to decipher the language through a special tool.   Some doctrines include: that God the Father was a one time a flesh and blood human who died and became God,  Jesus is the spirit brother of satan or Lucifer, that Jesus earned his god-hood by doing good works and that anyone can become gods.  Not surprising then, being a Mormon is extremely works based- watch their commercials.   Outside the King James bible, which they are discouraged from reading any other translation and anything written disparaging to their religion, the group also uses the book of Mormon as scripture. Don't be fooled into this church.  If you want a summary of what Mormons believe, watch South Park season 7 episode 12.  

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